Kaneshige Ritouen - 金重利陶苑

October 11, 2018

Kaneshige Ritouen is one of Six Oldest Bizen Ware Potteries, runned by the head of Kaneshige family and inherits the oldest traditions. Heads of a family succeeds the name 「Kaneshige Riemon」 for generations. Riemon is appointed to a name, officially given to the potter of Bizen Ware by feudal lord of Okayama-Ikeda Mitsumasa in Edo period, and be producing many masterpieces, for example a gifts for the Shogun and Daimyos. The family inherit these old history and tradition, and keep passing down value of Bizen Ware.
The genealogy of the Kanesige family is unclear, but Ritouen is the oldest lineage in the pottery of Bizen Ware from existing material and research. It is told, that Kaneshige Riemon, the name inherited by a head of a family for generations, was inherited by 77 generations, but it isn't correct. It is a pronoun, describing that this lineage is very old.

The oldest ancestor of known Kaneshiges passed away in 1692. Since that time we can trace the genealogical line of the family.

Kaneshige Riemon, who has posthumous Buddhist name Itsuou Riemon and pased away in 1767 was appointed to a officially potter of Bizen Ware in 1729 by feudal lord of Okayama. After that, the Kaneshiges served as an officially potters of Bizen Ware for generations and be producing many masterpieces, until a system of an officially potter of Bizen Ware has ended at a generation of Kaneshige Kyuuichirou who died in 1902.

Kaneshige Risaburou who is Kyuuichirou's eldest son (died in 1927) deplored a decline of Bizen Ware during Meiji period and groped for a new developed way of Bizen Ware.

Also Kaneshige Shinzaburou who is Kyuuichirou's second son became a potter of Bizen Ware as Baiyou, and Kaneshige Isamu who is Shinzaburou's son became a potter of Bizen Ware as Touyou and after that he became a living national treasure.

Kaneshige Tsutomu who is Risaburou's son (died in 1978) became a head of the family after his father and applied himself to producing Bizen Ware as 76 generations Kaneshige Riemon and Kaneshige Itsuou. This name Itsuou is associated with Itsuou Riemon who became a first officially potter of Bizen Ware in the Kaneshiges.

Next, Kaneshige Minoru who is 77 generations Kaneshige Riemon is Tsutomu's adopted child. Heir of Kaneshiges had been killed in the war so Minoru family business. He won many prizes as a potter of Bizen Ware and held many exhibitions. He made an effort to guide and bring up many potters as head of the Kaneshiges. And, he served as a director of the cooperative of Bizen Ware to preserve and inherit the tradition.

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