Taki Akinori (???) - 滝 昭典

December 03, 2018

Taki Akinori was bown in Nasu-cho, Tochigi prefecture in 1955. In 1976 graduate in Tokyo College of Technology, Industrial Design Department. He studied under professor Rokuro Watanabe of Kasama City, Ibaraki Prefecture. In 1981 in the Kuroiso city, Tochigi prefecture he run Mizuakira-gama kiln.

First exhibition with his participation was in 1985 - Hinoki exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum). In 1987 get Encouragement Award from the 5th Japan-China Friendship Exchange Committee as a recipient of Showa Denpa Exhibition. In 1989 received Tochigi prefecture art exhibition department encouragement prize. In 1990 he participated in many Tochigi prefecture exhibitions. In 1991 he relocated in Nasu-cho and start work in Mizuakiri-gama 水昭窯. In 1995 he received the Sogetsuki Exhibition Efforts Award and get a recommendation to be a councilor. Since that time he had participated in many new and had some solo exhibitions.

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